Security & Privacy
How do we prevent malicious behaviour from Relayers?
Relayers are permissioned by the admission policies manually so there is a trust element between admins and the Relayers. Initially, the Relayers will be our team but in the future, we have a clear route to total decentralisation of Relayers so that a Relayer node can be run entirely trustlessly on a personal device and the operators can be paid fees for validating the network.
Where is the KYC stored and what happens if this storage is compromised?
KYC is stored on a third-party off-chain encrypted database by our compliance partners.
The worst case scenario is if this database is hacked and your identity documents are compromised, however, there is no direct link to your on-chain wallet, which is the service Portal Gate provides as opposed to the storage of your KYC data offered by the compliance partner.
Last updated